Wild Oat Seed Production and The Soil Seedbank – Factsheet by RWOAC

The Resistant Wild Oat Action Committee just published the next fact sheet on wild oat resistance management.

This fact sheet highlights wild oat seed production and the seedbank.

Some quick facts: 

- A wild oat plant produces 20 to 150 seeds in a cropping system.

- Wild oat seeds typically stay viable for 4 to 5 years in the seed bank. A small percentage remain viable up to 9 years.

- Wild oat seeds typically emerge from a depth of 4.5 cm (1.75”). Emergence from as deep as 20cm has been recorded.

For this reason, managing seed banks is crucial to managing wild oats.

For more information on integrated management of wild oat, click here.

Stay tuned for more documents and video publications in the coming weeks.