The Canadian Wheat Research Coalition (CWRC) collaborates with the Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission, Alberta Grains and Manitoba Crop Alliance. The CWRC is a collaborative approach to producer funding of regional and national research projects in variety development and agronomy including the Canadian National Wheat Cluster and core wheat breeding agreements with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the universities. Additional regional projects that align with variety development and agronomic priorities will also be considered for funding through the CWRC.
To learn more about the CWRC, visit wheatresearch.ca.

The Canadian Barley Research Coalition (CBRC) is a national not-for-profit organization focusing on improving western Canadian barley through long-term research investments. CBRC was started as a collaboration between the Saskatchewan Barley Development Commission, Alberta Grains and the Manitoba Crop Alliance. The CBRC funds long-term research projects such as core barley breeding agreements with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the University of Saskatchewan’s Crop Development Centre and other regional research that aligns with variety development and agronomic priorities.
To learn more about the CBRC, visit barleyresearch.ca.

Alberta Grains also collaborates on research programs with the Agriculture Development Fund, the Agriculture Funding Consortium and the Integrated Crop Agronomy Cluster.