Growing Together
Welcome to Alberta Grains, the amalgamated commission formed by the joining of Alberta Barley and Alberta Wheat Commission in August of 2023. Our goal is to provide a stronger voice for the grain industry in Alberta, by combining the strengths and expertise of both organizations to better serve the needs of our stakeholders.
Alberta Grains is committed to advancing and promoting the interests of 18,000+ wheat and barley farmers in the province. We will continue to foster innovation, research and development, and sustainability in the agriculture sector. By bringing together the best of both commissions, our aim is to leverage the combined resources, knowledge and experience to deliver unparalleled value to farmers.
We understand that the grain industry is rapidly evolving, and we want to assure our stakeholders that we remain committed to transparency, accountability, and the highest standards of governance. We will continue to engage with farmers to ensure their voices are heard and that their needs are being met.
For more information about Alberta Grains and how we can help you as a grain producer, please contact us today.
General and producer enquiries:
Mike Flynn
P. 403.717.3711 | Email
Communications and media enquiries:
Harley Groeneveld
P. 403.371.2132 | Email

Alberta Grains Branding Guidelines
To aid in the communication and marketing efforts for Alberta Grains, below you can find the link to our branding guidelines. The Alberta Grains logo pays tribute to the Alberta Wheat and Barley Commissions’ brands and symbolizes their growing together as one entity.
Click here to download the Alberta Grains logo guidelines and files
For questions about using our branding or any other questions related to our guidelines just email us.
Our Past
Prior to 2018, the two commissions operated independently with separate teams but shared finance, human resources, administration staff as well as office space.
In September 2017, the commissions’ boards entered into a pilot project to explore the idea of a single team to manage both commissions. The two boards recognized areas of overlap such as policy, market development, research, extension, events and communications and agreed to test the concept of operating as a joint management team.
Upon amalgamating the staff, the commissions quickly realized additional synergies such as the ability to collaboratively fund an agronomy extension programs, share event spaces, heighten their kids' education efforts and partner on enhanced communication initiatives.

The catalyst
In November of 2018 at the Alberta Wheat Commission's Region 2 meeting in Strathmore, a resolution was passed by farmers that read:
Whereas: the Alberta Wheat Commission and Alberta Barley are currently operating with a shared management team and have successfully demonstrated the potential efficiencies and synergies an integrated organization can provide to producers and ensure that producers’ levies are used to greatest benefit.
Be it resolved: that Alberta Barley complete a comprehensive review of the potential to formally merge the Alberta Wheat Commission and Alberta Barley and if appropriate, conduct a producer plebiscite to obtain member approval for a merger.
The resolution was passed by both commissions at their respective annual general meeting events which allowed the process of amalgamation to move forward.
As directed by the boards of the two commissions, farmers were requested to give their opinions on the potential merger of the two commissions into one formal entity. Held during the fall of 2021, the consultations were an opportunity for Alberta wheat and barley farmers to contribute their input on the topic.
The commissions held farmer consultations through an online survey, two online sessions in October and Regional Meetings in November.
Alberta Barley and the Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) announced in August of 2022 that two plebiscites would be held during the month of October for farmers to determine the future of the organizations. Alberta barley and wheat farmers were asked to vote on whether they support or do not support Alberta Barley and AWC formally amalgamating to form a single crop commission.
In collaboration with the Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council (Marketing Council) and the third-party election advisor, MNP, two plebiscites were held: one for barley growers and one for wheat growers. Two plebiscites were required since the two commissions are established with separate Plan Regulations under the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act and are separate legal entities.
On November 2, 2022, the commissions published a press release with the outcome of the plebiscites. With overwhelming support from both wheat and barley farmers, the commissions began walking the critical path forward to amalgamation.
Click here to view the November 2, 2022 press release.
Establishing Alberta Grains
Working in tandem with the Marketing Council, the commissions began the critical path forward with the termination of the existing regulations for the Alberta Wheat Commission and Alberta Barley and the establishment of the new plan regulation for Alberta Grains.
From November 2022 to August 2023, the commissions worked diligently to ensure that Alberta Grains would fully encompass the needs of both wheat and barley farmers in our province. These are the intricate details found in the Alberta Grains Plan Regulations and Bylaws.
For more information on these documents, see our check-off and regulations page.
Alberta Grains was established on August 1, 2023. An interim board was selected to guide the amalgamated commissions through the initial months leading into elections during November’s regional meetings. This board was selected by Marketing Council to represent both commodities through the transition into one commission.
In November 2023, the membership nominated the first permanent board of the amalgamated crop commissions. Their terms began following our Annual General Meeting on January 31, 2024.
Our current board of directors can be found here.