Spring fertilizer decisions
Fertilizer is another huge decision at seeding time. The rate, source, timing and application methods all play into yield potential and reducing fertilizer losses. The following are some of the FAQ to help refresh your mind in soil fertility decisions in spring:
How to interpret soil test results?
Alberta Agriculture: Practical Use of Soil Analysis Results
What is the most profitable nitrogen rate, considering the fluctuating grain and fertilizer prices?
Try the Nitrogen Rate of Return Calculator for Brown, Dark Brown and Black Soil Zones, where the prices are taken into consideration. Feel free to adjust the prices and rates to come up with a realistic range of results.
How to reduce nitrogen loss & make fertilizer more efficient?
Have a refresher on the N cycle, ways of nitrogen loss, and which EEFs help reduce losses
Nitrogen Transformations and Losses in the Nitrogen Cycle
Which application method works best on my farm?
Depending on farm equipment and nitrogen sources, fertilizers may be banded, surface broadcasted or placed in the seed rows. This Spring fertilizer application options factsheet outlines the pros and cons of the common practices, and which EEFs may be used to reduce N losses.
How to avoid fertilizer injury on seeds?
If fertilizers are seed-placed, pay attention to safe rates of seed-placed fertilizer. The safe rates can be found in Seed safe fertilizer applications and phosphorus starter

Table 1. Seed safe rates of urea fertilizer (lbs/ac of product) applied with the seed relative to soil texture and soil moisture