Evaluation and adaptation of controlled traffic farming in Alberta
Project lead:
Peter Gamache, Controlled Traffic Farming Alberta
Start Date: April 2011
End Date: December 2013
Alberta Barley’s contribution: $40,000
Controlled traffic farming (CTF) is a system that separates the area that
machinery travels on from the area where the crop grows, establishing permanent
traffic lanes. In this farmer-led initiative, farmers are evaluating the
agronomic and economic viability of CTF under a variety of climatic and soil
conditions in Alberta. The project looks at the potential benefits of CTF and
addresses the detrimental effects of soil compaction by farm machinery.
Benefits for farmers:
CTF has the potential to help farmers manage risk and improve crop production.
Increased water infiltration and water storage, increased moisture-use efficiencies,
more even plant maturity, reduced fuel use, more timely field operations,
better on-farm research and increased yields are some of the potential
- Alberta Barley
- Agricultural Research and Extension Council of Alberta
- Agriculture and Food Council of Alberta
- Alberta Canola Producers Commission
- Alberta Pulse Growers Commission
- Alberta Wheat Commission
- Farmers Edge
- Beyond Agronomy
- Point Forward Solutions