Assessing current soil-test-based fertilizer recommendations for direct seeding systems to optimize crop production and contribution margin
Project lead:
Dr. Kabal S. Gill, Research Coordinator, SARDA
Start Date: April 2013
End Date: March 2016
Alberta Barley’s contribution: $3,000
- Alberta Barley
- Smoky Applied Research and Demonstration Association
- Alberta Canola Producers Commission
Total funding from other partners: $25,000
The project aims to assess seeding systems by soil-test-based fertilizer rate
interactions for canola and cereal production. Combinations of two seeding
systems and four fertilizer rates are being tested using a barley-canola
Benefits for farmers:
The project will provide barley farmers with information on the right
fertilizer rates for direct seeding systems and indicate whether a different
rate is required for conventional seeding systems. This will allow barley
farmers to determine the right fertilizer rates for their seeding systems and
to maximize profit from their barley fields.