Alberta Grains proudly supports an industry-funded Chair position at both the University of Alberta and the University of Saskatchewan. These roles provide dedicated support towards ongoing institutional research and supervision to students in a variety of master's and doctorate programs. With that, they help promote collaboration through education and provide mentorship for the next generation of research professionals.

Dr. Boyd Mori
Dr. Boyd Mori is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Agricultural Life and Environmental Sciences, Department of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science. Dr. Mori’s research is focused on developing integrated pest management (IPM) for insect pests in field and horticultural agroecosystems. Specifically, his research strives to provide growers with sustainable pest control strategies that reduce the reliance on insecticides and conserve beneficial species (i.e. natural enemies and pollinators).
To this end, Dr. Mori melds basic and applied research incorporating behavioural, chemical, and molecular ecology to understand and exploit the biology of insect pests, their host plants and natural enemies. Currently, he has three primary focal areas:
Chemical ecology – to develop insect monitoring and management tools
Population genetics – to track insect invasions and dispersal/migration of insect pests
Insect-plant interactions – to identify key interactions that may lead to the development of alternative management strategies.