Changes to renewable energy project development on agricultural land

On February 28, 2024 the Government of Alberta announced a path forward for renewable energy project development which included requiring the Alberta Utilities Commission, with respect to agricultural lands: to take an “agriculture first” approach when evaluating proposed renewable developments on agricultural land, demonstrate co-existence of crops and or livestock with the renewable generation project on Class 1 and 2 and ensure native grasslands, irrigable and productive lands continue to be available for agricultural production.

Read the release and policy changes here

On August 3 of 2023, the Government of Alberta announced a pause on the development of renewables within the province until February 29, 2024. The government also directed the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) to report on:

  • Considerations on development of power plants on specific types of classes of agricultural or environmental land’
  • consideration of the impact of power plant development on Alberta’s pristine viewscapes;
  • consideration of implementation mandatory reclamation security requirements for power plants; and
  • consideration for development of power plants on lands held by the Crown in Right of Alberta, and
  • consideration regarding the participation of Alberta’s Municipal governments in the renewable power plant application process.

The AUC delivered two reports (Module A and B) to the Honourable Nathan Neudorf, Minister of Affordability and Utilities, who taking into consideration the findings and commitments of the AUC provided specific policy guidance that can be found here in accordance with Section 10 of the Alberta Public Agencies Governance Act.

Prior to the moratorium Alberta Grains had heard many concerns from farmers related to the development of renewable energy projects on agricultural lands across the province. To that end, our organization expressed concerns to government and presented both a written and oral submission as part of the AUC inquiry. We also worked through Team Alberta Crops to amplify the issue related to the need to protect prime farmland, ensure reclamation securities that protect landowners and advocate for an orderly development of renewable energy. While details are still forthcoming, Team Alberta Crops met with Minister Neudorf in March to seek more clarity.

Alberta Grains will continue to be engaged across departments on this issue and work to connect farmers perspectives to government as details of the policy, legislative and regulatory changes are implemented before the end of 2024.

If you have any concerns, challenges or questions regarding the changes please contact:

Shannon Sereda
Director, Government Relations, Policy & Markets

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