For the past five years, Morocco have been a steady purchasers of premium No.1 and No.2 Canadian Western Amber Durum (CWAD) for its country's pasta and couscous end-use market. The almost 80 participants form the milling industry, trade and end-use manufactures heard from Canadian industry representative on the 2019 crop quality assessment, farming in western Canada, grain quality and safety.
Key Findings
- Concerns about falling number and how it will affect pasta and couscous quality was corrected thanks to seminars and one-on-one meetings.
- Concerned about the availability of premium No.1 and No.2 CWAD and decreased durum acres.

"In every case, the buyers were keen interested in what our farming practices are - why we do what we do, how we make decisions and how we look after our crops. Speaking directly to our end-users is an amazing way to learn what it is they care about when considering which producer to buy from."
Jake Leguee, Director, Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission