Currently, Italy’s demand of Canadian wheat and durum has been shrinking due to country of origin labelling Italy placed on is pasta packing. Making this stop critical for New Crop Mission representatives and the Canadian wheat industry.
Over 100 participants attended the seminar including traders, brokers and end use manufactures to ask questions and receive the 2019 crop report, farming in Western Canada overview and 2019 grain quality update based off of CGC harvest sample program.
Key findings
- Considerable amount of communications regarding glyphosate, maximum reside limits (MRLs) and modern agriculture practices will be needed to bring this market back to pre-2016 import levels.
- Canadian durum is the best durum in the world, but Italian millers are concerned about consumer backlash of using a Canadian product.
- Request from end-use manufacturer on how much the premium would be if they requested glyphosate free wheat.

"In every case, the buyers were keen interested in what our farming practices are - why we do what we do, how we make decisions and how we look after our crops. Speaking directly to our end-users is an amazing way to learn what it is they care about when considering which producer to buy from."
Jake Leguee, Director, Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission